
We are the voice of our rivers

Land Use Education

Land use and development practices are critical to watershed health. Like all rivers, the water quantity and quality in the Bow and Elbow Rivers are impacted by how the land is used within their watersheds. With the support of the Watershed Resiliency and Restoration Program, Calgary River Valleys provides educational information to the public, and land use decision-makers, about practices that may limit negative impacts on our rivers, creeks, and wetlands. 

Brown Trout Counts & Education

Brown Trout spawn in the fall, and each year, CRV conducts a count of spawning nests, or redds, and also provides an opportunity to observe and learn about Brown Trout spawning activity. These annual projects are supported by funding from City of Calgary Water Services.

Riparian Restoration

Over the last several years, Calgary River Valleys has been restoring sections of degraded riverbanks within Calgary, with funding from the Government of Alberta’s Watershed Resiliency and Restoration Program These projects are intended to improve the health and functionality of the riparian (transition) area between the aquatic environment and the uplands area.

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Calgary River Valleys

Calgary River Valleys


We are the voice of your rivers! A community-based, collaborative, non-profit, non-governmental, urban environmental planning and education organization.

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Today (Wed Sept 18) we’re removing invasive weeds from a riparian restoration site we worked on last year. It’s a big job. We could use a few more helpers! If you have an hour or two, c’mon by! We’re at 415 40 Ave SW, east of Elbow Drive. ... See MoreSee Less

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